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Bromford Housing Association Limited (202100489)

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COMPLAINT 202100489

Bromford Housing Association Limited

14 October 2021

Our approach

Under our early resolution process, the Ombudsman works with the resident and landlord to explore the issues in dispute, identify the matters that remain outstanding and assist in reaching an agreed settlement.

The complaint

  1. The complaint is about the handling of an outstanding repair to the fence.

Determination (decision)

  1. In accordance with paragraph 55 (c) of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme, the landlord has made an offer of redress to the complainant which, in the Ombudsman’s opinion, resolves the complaint satisfactorily.

How the complaint was resolved

  1. The resident made a formal complaint to the landlord about its response to their reports of a broken fence and its handling of repairs to resolve the issue. Specifically, that the landlord had missed several repair appointments and had provided conflicting information about when the work would be completed. 
  2. On 28 April 2021, the landlord provided its final response to the complaint. It apologised for conflicting information it had provided to the resident concerning booking repair appointments, and for missing several of the appointments. The landlord explained that its contractor had attended the property on 20 April 2021 and completed a temporary repair of the fence. It also explained that its contractor had ordered materials to carry out a permanent repair, and that it would contact the resident to book a follow-up appointment once materials were available. It subsequently offered the resident £50 compensation for its miscommunication around repair appointments.
  3. On 30 April 2021, the resident contacted the Ombudsman to complain about the landlord’s handling of repairs to the fence. They explained that they were dissatisfied with the length of time taken to complete repairs, and the level of communication from the landlord concerning the issue. They subsequently sent us a copy of their email to the landlord of 30 April 2021 in which they set out why they remained dissatisfied with its handling of repairs further to the final response.
  4. On 23 June 2021, the resident emailed the Ombudsman advising that they were having difficulty contacting the landlord to arrange for repairs to be carried out. The Ombudsman subsequently phoned the resident on 9 July 2021 asking them to clarify the outstanding issues. The resident explained that the fence had fallen down again after the landlord had carried out the temporary repair 20 April 2021.

They also explained that a further repair appointment had been booked for        25 June 2021, but the contractors had failed to attend. The Ombudsman subsequently wrote to the landlord setting out the resident’s concerns and asked it to update us in the event it was able to settle the matter.

  1. The Ombudsman contacted the resident on 19 August 2021 to confirm what they were seeking in resolution of their complaint. The resident explained that repairs to the fence were still outstanding and that they were having difficulty getting the landlord to confirm when the repairs would be carried out. They also explained that they wanted the repairs to be carried out within a reasonable time frame and for the landlord to increase its offer of compensation. The Ombudsman confirmed that it would contact the landlord to offer mediation in respect of the resolution proposed by the resident.
  2. The Ombudsman wrote to the landlord on 19 August 2021 setting out the resident’s proposed resolution. It responded on 24 August 2021 confirming acceptance of the proposed mediation. It agreed to repair the fence and increase its offer of compensation. It also provided a copy of its correspondence to the resident of 24 August 2021 in which it confirmed that the outstanding repair was due to take place on 6 September 2021. The landlord confirmed that it had increased its compensation offer to £150.
  3. On 24 August 2021, the resident emailed the landlord confirming they were happy to accept the rescheduled repair appointment and increased offer of compensation.
  4. On 6 September 2021, the Ombudsman wrote to the resident setting out the landlord’s response and asked them to confirm whether they were happy to accept this. The resident responded advising that the repair appointment booked for 6 September 2021 had been cancelled without prior notification and had been rescheduled for 27 October 2021. They also advised that they had accepted the increased offer of compensation, but now thought this amount insufficient due to the ongoing issue of missed repair appointments.
  5. On 9 September 2021, the Ombudsman wrote to the landlord setting out the resident’s concerns about the missed repair appointment of 6 September 2021 and asked it to confirm whether the work would be completed by                        27 October 2021. We also explained that the resident now considered its £150 compensation offer disproportionate because the repair had not been completed for nearly 2 months, and we asked it to confirm whether it would increase its offer to account for the delay.
  6. On 27 September 2021, the resident phoned the Ombudsman and explained that they had contacted the landlord on that day and were advised that the repair had not been booked with its contractor and that it was unable to confirm when the work would be carried out.
  7. On 28 September 2021, the landlord emailed the Ombudsman advising it had instructed a contractor to attend the property to do the repair. It also increased its offer of compensation by £25 in respect of missed repair appointments and explained that it would contact the resident about the matter.
  8. The Ombudsman contacted the resident on 11 October 2021 to confirm whether they were happy with the proposed resolution, to which the resident confirmed that they were. They also explained that the landlord’s contractor had recently contacted them confirming that the fence would be repaired on 20 October 2021.
  9. I am therefore satisfied, following the intervention of this Service, that the landlord has now taken actions to remedy the matters raised which resolve the complaint satisfactorily.
  10. Recommendations
  11. The resident has confirmed receipt of the original £150 offer of compensation. The landlord should pay the remaining £25 within the next three weeks.
  12. The landlord should provide confirmation that the remaining compensation has been paid and the fence repair completed, to this Service within the next four weeks.