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Delayed bathroom replacement

Investigation finds maladministration in landlord’s initial refusal and subsequent delays in replacing a bathroom in poor condition

Mr S complained that the landlord did not replace his bathroom despite the bathroom’s poor condition and outstanding pipework and extractor fan repairs. It initially explained that this was because his bathroom was fit for purpose and due to be replaced in four years under a planned works programme, as it was 26 years old and bathrooms were replaced every 30 years under the decent homes standard.

Through its investigation of Mr S’s complaint, the landlord found that the bathroom was 30 years old. In addition, the condition and the outstanding repairs meant that the bathroom should be replaced and repaired at the same time. It raised an order for these works with its contractors, but this and a subsequent order were cancelled by the contractors. As a result, the works had remained outstanding for approximately a year when the complaint was investigated by us.


We found there had been maladministration by the landlord. It had incorrectly recorded the age of Mr S’s bathroom so that this was not replaced in accordance with the decent homes standard. It then further delayed repair and replacement works to the bathroom for approximately a year. We found this had caused Mr S frustration, led to him living with a bathroom that required replacement for much longer than he should have and caused him time and trouble in pursuing this. We ordered the landlord to:
• pay Mr S £400 compensation
• repair and replace his bathroom within two months
• write to us to confirm what action it would take to ensure that its contractors’ job orders were monitored and completed.

A tap with running water