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Notting Hill Genesis (201809422)

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COMPLAINT 201809422

Notting Hill Genesis

1 December 2020


Our approach

Under our early resolution process, the Ombudsman works with the resident and landlord to explore the issues in dispute, identify the matters that remain outstanding and assist in reaching an agreed settlement.

The complaint

The complaint concerns the accuracy of information provided by the Landlord about the Resident’s right to buy their property

Determination (decision)

  1. In accordance with paragraph 55 (c) of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme, the landlord has made an offer of redress following the Ombudsman’s intervention which, in the Ombudsman’s opinion, resolves the complaint satisfactorily

How the complaint was resolved

  1. At some point in 2018, the Resident contacted the Landlord to enquire about whether they had they right to purchase their property. The Resident states that the Landlord confirmed that they could purchase the property and began to make arrangements in order to do this.
  2. Following this, the Resident made further enquiries to commence the process of purchasing and received a letter on 20 August 2018 explaining that they did not have the right to purchase the property.
  3. The Resident submitted a complaint, stating that the Landlord had provided incorrect information which had led them to believe they had the right to purchase the property.
  4. The Landlord provided its final response to the complaint on 7 August 2020. It explained it was unable to find records of the information provided in 2018 but confirmed that the Resident did not have the right to buy their property. The Landlord accepted that there had been delays and service level issues in its handling of the complaint and offered £250 compensation.
  5. The Resident brought their complaint to this Service as they were unhappy with the outcome of the complaint. As part of the Ombudsman’s assessment of the complaint, we discussed the outcome the Resident was seeking to resolve the complaint. The Resident explained they were unhappy with the level of compensation offered by the Landlord.
  6. This Service contacted the Landlord to discuss the Resident’s complaint and explain the outcome they were seeking. The Landlord contacted agreed to consider the Resident’s request. On 13 November 2020, the Landlord contacted this Service and offered to increase the amount of compensation from £250 to £500.
  7. On 30 November 2020, this Service contacted the Resident to discuss the offer of compensation. During the phone call the Resident confirmed that they were happy with the Landlord’s increased offer of compensation and accepted this as resolution to the complaint.
  8. Paragraph 55 (c) of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme states that:

c. At any time, the Ombudsman may determine the investigation of a complaint immediately if satisfied that the member has made an offer of redress following the Ombudsman’s intervention which, in the Ombudsman’s opinion, resolves the complaint satisfactorily. This will result in a finding of ‘resolved with intervention’.

  1. I am therefore satisfied, following the intervention of this Service, that the landlord has now taken actions to remedy the matters raised which resolve the complaint satisfactorily.


  1. The Landlord should pay the Resident the £500 compensation within the next four weeks and provide confirmation of payment to this Service.