East Devon District Council (202011449)
The complaint concerns: The landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB) by her neighbour. The landlord’s handling of the resident’s request for her housing band to be changed.
All our decisions are published here as part of our commitment to being open and transparent. The decisions are anonymised so residents’ names are not used, but landlords are named. The decisions date from December 2020 and are published three months after the final decision date. In some cases we may decide not to publish a decision if it is not in the resident’s or landlord’s interest or the resident’s anonymity may be compromised. You can read more in our guidance on decisions.
The complaint concerns: The landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB) by her neighbour. The landlord’s handling of the resident’s request for her housing band to be changed.
The complaint concerns the resident’s liability to pay Trustcare charges.
The resident complains about: The landlord’s failure to respond to an email about a rent payment. The landlord’s handling of an insurance claim for damage to carpets and
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The residents complain about: How the landlord managed the replacement of the communal boiler in the building, including: How it responded to residents’ suggestions and comments in relation to the specification of works and how this has impacted the current proposed works and level of service charges. The landlord’s management of the reserve fund, specifically the amount charged by the landlord over several years towards this. How the landlord handled a leak into the boiler room and other potential hazards in the boiler room including the proximity of electricity and meters to water pipes, live wires and a corroded cable, and the impact of this on the proposed works and level of service charges.
The complaint was about: The landlord’s response to the resident’s report of a leak into her property. The landlord’s complaint handling.
This complaint is about the landlord’s response to: The resident’s reports of leaks from the roof of his property. The resident’s reports of damage to his property caused by leaks from the roof. The landlord’s complaint handling and record keeping.
The complaint is about the landlord’s response to the resident’s concerns about a lack of lintels at the property, and her request to install these and replace the windows.
The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of: Repairs to mould growth; Repairs to a leak from the kitchen sink; Works to install a sink in the toilet; A pest infestation in the loft.