Peabody Trust (202015287)
The resident has complained about: The landlord’s response to their reports of antisocial behaviour, including noise nuisance and bad odours. The standard of service in the handling of their complaints.
All our decisions are published here as part of our commitment to being open and transparent. The decisions are anonymised so residents’ names are not used, but landlords are named. The decisions date from December 2020 and are published three months after the final decision date. In some cases we may decide not to publish a decision if it is not in the resident’s or landlord’s interest or the resident’s anonymity may be compromised. You can read more in our guidance on decisions.
The resident has complained about: The landlord’s response to their reports of antisocial behaviour, including noise nuisance and bad odours. The standard of service in the handling of their complaints.
The complaint refers to: The landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports of damp and mould in the property. The resident’s request for compensation for her damaged belongings. The landlord’s handling of the associated complaint.
The complaint is about the landlord’s response to the resident’s report of water contamination at the property.
The complaint is about the landlord’s response to: The resident’s concerns regarding the level of service charges. The administration of the service charge account and its communication.
The complaint is about: The landlord’s response to the resident’s request to carry out alterations to her garden. The landlord’s handling of the associated complaint.
REPORT COMPLAINT 202016013 Nottingham City Homes 26 July 2021 Our approach The Housing Ombudsman’s approach to investigating and determining complaints is to decide what is fair in all the circumstances of the case. This is […]
The complaint is about the standard of cleaning carried out at the property.
The resident complained about the landlord's response to: his report of flooding at the property. his concern that the flooding was the result of the property’s flawed development / construction. his request for compensation.
The complaint is about the landlord’s response to the resident’s complaint about: Fly tipping; Dog hairs in the communal areas; Noise nuisance from communal doors and front doors; Its pet policy; A designated point of contact.
The complaint refers to: The landlord’s handling of a leak in the building. The landlord’s response to the resident’s request for compensation for his damaged items. The landlord’s handling of the associated complaint. The resident’s concerns that the landlord had been negligent and his claim for damages.